Call For Paper 2023



Call For Papers

The 8th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2023

"Geoinformation Science for Sustainable Planet"

Hybrid Conference*: 28 – 30 August 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 May 2023

On behalf of the symposium committee, we cordially invite the geographic information sciences researchers, academia, industry, and practitioners to submit their high-quality manuscript for this symposium. The symposium accepts manuscript which covers (but not limited to) the following topics, as listed below.

    1. Image Pre-processing (Radiometric and Geometric Corrections)
    2. Image and Spectral Data Acquisition
    3. Image Classification and Enhancement
    4. Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS
    5. Geo Artificial Intelligence
    6. Spatial Data Infrastructure and Basis Data Geospatial
    7. Computing in Remote Sensing and GIS
    8. Web-based GIS
    9. GIS Analysis and Modelling
    10. Cartographic Visualization of Remote Sensing Product
    11. Analytical Cartography and Toponymy
    12. Remote Sensing, GIS, and Cartography Applications in:
      a. Precision Agriculture
      b. Urban Environment
      c. Coastal and Marine Environment
      d. Vegetation and Forest Monitoring
      e. Ecology
      f. Health
      g. Hydrology and Water Resources
      h. Geomorphology and Land Resources
      i. Geology and Soil
      j. Mining and Minerals
      k. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
      l. Urban and Regional Planning
      m. Land Use and Land Cover Mapping

*Presenter from abroad may opt to present their research via online meeting platform provided by the symposium committee.

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