mapCOM 2023



What is MAPCOM?

Map Competition 2023 is the national competition for college student  of making thematic maps. This competition is one of the parts of the GISCOM 2023 event that will be held by the Department of Geographic Science Information, Geography Faculty in Universitas Gadjah Mada. The competition is to create visualizations of the problems in society into thematic maps.

Participants Terms

To follow a series of MAP Competition 2023, participants must make one multivariate thematic map with the following themes:

  1. Kebudayaan
  2. Rencana Pengembangan Kawasan Urban
  3. Keamanan dan Ketahanan Pangan
  4. Sumber Daya Energi
  5. Agrokompleks

Deadline Registration           : 31 May – 28 June 2023

Deadline Submit                    : 6 July 2023

Participants are required to complete the registration and pay Rp 75.000/team.

The Finalist will be announced on 14 August 2023 through GIS Competition 2023 Social Media.


MAP Competition 2023 champion awards include:

            First Champion           : Cash Prize + Certificate

            Second Champion      : Cash Prize + Certificate

            Third Champion          : Cash Prize + Certificate

           Favorite                        : Cash Prize + Certificate

            Finalist                        : Finalist Certificate

Important Dates

31 May – 28 June 2023          :

6 July 2023                              :

5 August 2023                         :

5-24 August 2023                    :

29-30 August 2023                  :

Registration and Abstract  Submission Period

Deadline for map submission

Announcement for finalist

Social Media Voting for favorite map

Final event of MAP Competition 2023

For Registration:

For submitting your work:

Contact Person

Rinasari Wijayanti
WA : 082227120676
id line: @rnsrn

Mutiara Indah Pramestika
WA: 0895326505416
id line: @lrnstiaraa
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